

Banish the Trojan Horse virus quickly

By on Dec 11, 2013 in Virus | 0 comments

The viruses that are on your internet browser are quick and will destroy your computer within a matter of minutes or days.  A virus that you need to out for is the Trojan horse virus.  Why is this virus one that you need to be cautious about?  The Trojan horse virus will disguise itself and hide within a program, link or email.  When you click on any of these options, the virus has created a “piggy back” and will download along with the program, link or email you have clicked on. The Trojan horse virus may be a silent virus, but it is definitely a harmful virus that will destroy your computer and your personal files.  You will know if the Trojan horse virus has taken up residence on your computer if your computer has begun to run slower than normal.  There will also be a sign on your internet homepage.  The homepage will change to a different page on its own, even after you have change your homepage back to the original page.  Besides affecting these options on your computer, the Trojan horse virus will start to access your personal information and remove it from your computer.  The hacker that created the virus now has your personal information and files you have saved on your computer. With the Trojan horse virus on your computer, you will need to take immediate action to have the virus removed.  You can remove the virus yourself, but with the virus moving so quickly and silently, you may have trouble finding out where the virus is hiding.  The Trojan horse virus has been created to hide deep within the programs and files you have on your computer.  To find the virus quickly and efficiently, find an antivirus software that will locate the Trojan horse virus and remove it immediately. A variety of antivirus software is available for you to research and install onto your computer.  Find the antivirus software that is legitimate and will remove the viruses quickly from your computer.  When you have found the antivirus software that you want to use, install it onto your computer and follow the steps that it will offer to you to remove the infected programs. ...

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Adware Removal for the Trojan Horse virus

By on Dec 11, 2013 in Virus | 0 comments

When a virus is associated with your computer, you will have major destruction to clean up and re-create.  Hackers use viruses that they have created to not only access your personal information, but to also destroy your personal information.  This will leave you with nothing but your identity being stolen and your pocket book empty.  Use adware remover to help you locate different viruses and have them removed from your computer. One of the many viruses that adware remover will help you locate and terminate on your computer, is the Trojan horse virus.  The Trojan horse virus is not like other viruses that are located on the internet and can be associated with your computer.  Most viruses will duplicate themselves when they are attached your computer and starts to attack; the Trojan horse virus can only be activated when the hacker that created it accesses it.  The hacker will attack or piggyback the Trojan horse virus to programs that you use every day.  When you download these programs, you are also downloading the Trojan horse virus.  Once it is downloaded, the hacker has secretly downloaded their virus onto your computer and now has access to your computer. The adware remover is a type of spyware that will help you keep viruses away from your computer, but will also detect any viruses that are currently on your computer.  When the virus is located, the program will have the virus removed and your computer will once again be safe to use.  You can also use other types of antivirus software that are available for you to use.  You can purchase this software at your local computer store or you can find the antivirus software that is online and download it to your computer.  When your find an antivirus software that you want to use that is located on the internet, do your research to make sure it is valid and will not have the Trojan horse virus attached to it. When you have antivirus software, like adware remover on your computer, the software will help block any viruses, especially the Trojan virus from attaching to your computer and starting the attacking process. To help lower the risk of the Trojan virus...

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What to Do When You Have a Virus: Panic-proof your OS

By on Dec 11, 2013 in Virus | 0 comments

A surefire way to ruin your day is to get a virus infection in your operating system. Even the mildest virus infection can burn hours off your work schedule. If your system is unprotected, that is, if you didn’t install any anti-virus software on it, you’ll probably spend a lot of time trying to clean out your hard disk, weed your corrupted files from ones you can still recover, and check on other computers which you have probably infected through unprotected file transfers.    What to do when you have a virus infection is so much simpler if you’ve already installed an anti-virus shield before using your computer. Just run regular virus scans, retrieve a list of viral infections in your system, quarantine these infections, and delete them. If you haven’t installed one yet, there’s no need to panic. Below is a guide on what to do when you have a virus infection wreaking havoc on your OS.   Install one and save what you can save in your OS. Unless you’re already looking at the “blue screen of death”, there’s no need for you to wipe out your hard disk and re-install your operating system. You can still recover uninfected data by installing a reputable anti-virus program on your computer. This is the first thing anyone wondering what to do when you have a virus infection on your computer should do. The second step is, of course, running a virus scan.   This will let you retrieve the list of virus infections invading your computer. The first virus scan will always take long, especially if you’ve been surfing the internet without a virus shield for a long time. Most likely, your system is already jammed with several viruses. Once you’ve retrieved the list, quarantine and delete all of them. You may lose some data especially if you’re already experiencing system crashes prior to your virus removal. Once you’ve removed the infection, create a back up of all of the files in your computer. Go offline after cleaning out the virus in your system to make sure that the back-up disk you’re creating is clean. Precautions You wouldn’t even have to worry about what to do when you have...

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How To Remove a Virus From Your Computer System.

By on Mar 17, 2013 in Virus | 0 comments

If you own a computer there is a very real chance that at some point your machine will be infected with a virus and unchecked this virus can cause permanent harm to both your computer and its files but the virus could also steal passwords, bank account information and other personal information. Most computers have anti-virus software installed when it is still at the factory but it is up to you, the user, to ensure that your computer’s virus protection is up to date and adequate for your needs. Even if you do have protection against viruses installed on your machine, if it is out of date or improperly configured your computer and all your information is still at risk! By keeping an updated anti-virus program installed and properly configured your risks at being infected by a virus are considerably lower than if you don’t, but what if your computer is already infected by a virus? As a consultant, I assure you that if you follow these steps and you will be able to bring your computer back to its virus-free status (most of the time :-). The number one thing that you need to do once you realize you may have a virus on your computer is to disconnect from the internet. This can be done either by physically removing your networking cable or turning off your networking connection from within your computer’s operating system. This is important because most viruses are unknowingly distributed by affected computers while the computer owner is left in the dark not realizing that his computer may be infecting others. Once your computer is disconnected from both local networks as well as the internet you need to get down to the task of removing the virus. Hopefully you computer has a sufficient anti-virus program already installed, if this is the case run a full scan using your anti-virus software, many programs require you to restart so the anti-virus software can run before any system software is loaded; this is to ensure that any and all viruses are removed completely. You may have to run your anti-virus software several times to ensure your machine is completely free of all viruses and malicious software. Once...

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Top 5 Computer Security Tips

By on Nov 5, 2012 in Virus | 0 comments

No matter how advanced and ‘smart’ mobile phones get, you computer will always be your tech home front. And not just because of its sentimental value (the fact that before your Blackberry, iPhone, Android, and tablet, there was the stand alone home computer) but because your PC or laptop is ideal for long hours of work and study, something no phone or tablet can compete with. Ensuring that your computer stays secure is imperative – if you can’t keep it safe from malware you’re risking a lot more than random strands of data. Unfortunately, people tend to take care of their phones but fail to do the same when it comes to computer security, and hence end up losing important data to viruses, Trojans, and spyware such as computer monitoring software and computer and internet monitoring software. Having a well-protected computer system is not as hard as one might think. Here are five simple ways to go about securing your computer from threats. 1.Use Anti-Virus Software. Trying out different versions of various Antiviruses is fine but users should remember that 30 day trials last only as long as they say they would, meaning 30 days. After that they expire and your system is open to attack once more. You need to pull out your wallet and purchase one to avoid this and also need to regularly update the anti-virus so that it does not lag behind when it comes to blocking the latest advancements in viruses. 2.Be Careful of Email. Asides spamming and annoying adware, emails are the main carriers of viruses, bugs, and PC monitoring software. Never open any email attachment that has been sent to you by anonymous persons. If someone from your contact list has sent you something via email attachment be suspicious of opening those as well. Instead, save and run all email attachments through virus checkers before opening them. If nothing comes up yet your suspicion is still aroused, do away with the file and the email and delete them. 3.Use a Firewall.  Many people forego creating a firewall for their computer thinking that installing an Antivirus is sufficient when it comes to protecting them from corruptive programs. This is obviously not the case....

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If you pay for an anti-virus program, whose fault is it if your computer breaks?

By on Jun 26, 2012 in Virus | 0 comments

For many computer users, an up to date anti-virus program is a must have and is worth paying an annual subscription for. Anti-virus software programs are constantly running in your computers background looking for computer viruses, bugs, worms other malicious malware issues. The software will often connect with a database to stay up to date with the latest version. However, what happens if despite paying for the latest anti-virus software, your computer still becomes infected and breaks? Whose fault is it? Who will fix it and what options are available? In this simple guide we will explore what to do next? My anti-virus PC still got infected? Unfortunately despite being constantly updated and improved, new software viruses can still get through even the best anti-virus program. Computer hackers, fraudsters and even computer terrorists are constantly creating new software bugs and malicious viruses that will target your computer along with millions of others around the world. While anti-virus software programs work hard to keep out 99.999% of computer viruses, there is no such thing as 100% virus free guarantee. This is because a brand new virus can expose software loopholes quicker than the anti-virus can patch it. Even if the best anti-virus companies can identify and protect against a new virus within minutes, the virus may have already damaged thousands of machines before it was detected. My PC is broken from a Virus; will the anti-virus company fix it? If you are unlucky enough to be hit by a computer virus, even though you have paid for the latest version of anti-virus software, then you will still not be able to hold the company responsible. As part of all software user agreements, you will find that the anti-virus company will state that they cannot be held responsible for any rogue viruses or damage caused. The easiest way of thinking about this is to consider your car’s seat belt. If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident the seat belt may save your life. However your seatbelt does not guarantee 100% that you will not get injured. Anti-virus is a prevention tool, it does not provide a 100% virus free environment unfortunately. What should I do now my...

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